
Digital badges can be thought of as a visual way or representing accomplishments. The requirements of badges vary but can include requirements for: number of entries meeting specific Transferable Skills, course credits, GPA and/or standardized test scores and more. 

Badges fit into two overarching categories: Required Badges and My Interest badges.

These are achieved through a combination of Proficiency Tasks, Student-Generated Tasks, and other school-wide opportunities such as Financial Literacy, Work-Based Learning and more.


All graduates of Ponaganset High School must complete the required badges as the key measure of successful completion of their personalized portfolio. 

Graduation Competency Badges 

The primary badges that students work towards are the Graduation Competency Badges.  These are met through the upload of acceptable entries aligned to specific Transferable Skills. The table below illustrates the current requirements.

Financial Literacy Badge

In 2021, the State of Rhode Island mandated that beginning with the Class of 2024 all students shall demonstrate proficiency in financial literacy/consumer education prior to graduating high school.  Students will be given several different options to demonstrate proficiency in this area and these will be tracked via the Financial Literacy Badge.

Passion Project Badge

The completion of a successful Passion Project in the senior year is a graduation requirement at Ponaganset.

Read more HERE!

MY interest badges

Student Interest Badges are selected by the student based on academic, career and personal interests.

Current examples include...

CTE Programs

Work-Based Learning

Diploma Seals

Diploma Honor Societies

It is through Badges that Ponaganset is able to track student progress toward CTE Program completion, qualifications for membership into the National Technical Honor Society as well as Diploma Designation requirements.

The Badges component of the P3 system is where Ponaganset meets NEASC standard 2.1, "The school has a vision of the graduate that includes the attainment of transferable skills, knowledge, understandings and dispositions necessary for future success and provides feedback to learners and their families on each learner’s progress in achieving this vision.